MurderPM with Viktoria Evans
Murder Talk Radio
Murder Talk Radio Ep 3 - The Untold Story of Delia Day

Murder Talk Radio Ep 3 - The Untold Story of Delia Day

Episode 3 of Murder Talk Radio is somewhat outside of our usual format; it’s been cut together into a 35 minute summary FAQ from the nearly 4 hours of Ask Me Anything Delia Day Livestreams which are up on the Viktoria Evans YouTube, and which you can find linked in the thread below.

We’ll be back to our usual format very soon, but in the meantime, as a special treat for our most loyal subscribers we will be going LIVE for Murder Talk Radio Episode 4 in just under an hour at 6 AM EST to support of yesterday’s controversial article “The Problem with Steve Albini”, which is linked below. If you’re awake, you can check out by clicking here. If you’re not a vampire and miss the Live, it will remain up on YouTube, and will also be released as episode 4 of the Murder Talk Radio podcast sometime next week.

MurderPM with Viktoria Evans
Murder Talk Radio
Murder Talk Radio discusses Crime, Media, and Culture, and is hosted by Murder Pop Magazine