
Viktoria and Parker Evans originally co-founded Murder Pop as a self-release record label in 2018. After their initial efforts releasing music videos, they started the animal focused channel RatCity, followed by true crime oriented channel Viktoria Evans, now approaching 11,000 subscribers.

Murder Pop Magazine started as a companion to the Viktoria Evans channel posting unprocessed research, and has grown into a full enterprise in its own right, with hundreds of subscribers and tens of thousands of unique views a month.

Their groundbreaking work includes original investigative journalism like Bound to Kill: The Untold Story of Delia Day and Israel Keyes - Life in Detail, which is approaching 100,000 views, the only Collected History of School Shootings in the United States ever written, and reports on dozens of other true crimes.

With Viktoria’s debut novel Bound to Kill soon to be released, and the Murder Talk Radio podcast now available on YouTube, Spotify, Amazon Music and Audible, Murder Pop has even more exciting things planned for 2024 and beyond.

Audience Metrics

Our target audience is college educated women and men interested in true crime journalism, culture, music, film, and nature.

  • Our viewers:

    • over 80% are 22-64,

    • over 60% are 25-54

    • about 64% of are female

    • more likely to have a family/kids

    • more likely to earn over $65,000

    • more likely to have a college degree

  • Over half are from the US

  • 8.6% are from the UK

  • 5.6% are from Canada

  • 3.6% are from Australia

  • ~1% are from India, Germany, New Zealand, the Philippines, South Africa, the Netherlands, Sweden, Ireland, France, Mexico, and Malaysia

  • Domestic viewers top metro areas include Los Angeles, New York, Dallas, Chicago, Houston, Seattle, Phoenix, Las Vegas, Austin, San Francisco, Atlanta, Denver, Philadelphia, Detroit, Nashville, Portland, and Boston

  • International viewers top metros include London, Sydney, Melbourne, Dublin, Montreal, Toronto, Brisbane, Cape Town, Auckland, Perth, Paris, Calgary.

  • We have

    • over 700,000 views from 5,000,000 impressions

    • giving us an impression Click Thru Rate over 10%

    • over 65,000 hours watched

    • an engagement rate near 3%

    • an above average YouTube View Duration between 10 and 15 minutes

    • over 11,000 subscribers across our channels

  • over 50,000 unique visits to Murder Pop Magazine, with 30 day views now averaging well over 10,000 a month and over 30,000 a month across all channels

    Splinter would want you to sponsor us

    Contact Notabot [at] murderpop dot com for business inquiries.