Although it was eventually received well by the people who watched it, YouTube itself did not initially appreciate my documentary about Israel Keyes, which I had to censor in order to get YouTube to allow me to upload it to the
Wow! A humorous & respectfully dissected perspective of Googles disdain for those who dare to exercise their right to “free speech “! Compelling content on Googles double standard allowing content that does not line up with their stated standards while restricting those who stay within the standards. Another great topic! Keep up the great work & be safe!!!
Wow! A humorous & respectfully dissected perspective of Googles disdain for those who dare to exercise their right to “free speech “! Compelling content on Googles double standard allowing content that does not line up with their stated standards while restricting those who stay within the standards. Another great topic! Keep up the great work & be safe!!!